Heard Storytelling

Through Heard Storytelling I met two amazing women working on this project who taught me a lot within a short period and I hope to keep in contact with them in the future. They were extremely inspiring and passionate in what they do and I felt my beliefs align with what they were about. They had a lot of knowledge in oral storytelling which was completely eye-opening to see storytelling in a new way than imagery. I felt like I learnt a hell of a lot. 

I created the illustration around my story which has to do with sexual assault. After experiencing the policing system, I realised not enough women know the power of just reporting. It doesn't have to go further if you don't want it to in the process after reporting. It also protects the next person ahead and gives them more of a fighting chance to get justice as it is documented. The system has an incredibly high tick-the-box just to get to court with cases. My message is to empower, a community effort to protect each other when deciding to report and bring light to what feels like missing information.

They also bought my illustrations and encouraged me to sell them through their website and social media. Which I later sold through Etsy with a variety of prints.

developing the illustrations


Transformation Project


Hug Life is Fragile